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Pine Marten appeal

Pine Marten appeal

Pine martens - England's rarest mammals - were thought to be extinct in Shropshire since 1893, but then showed up on remote camera traps in 2015. In order to make sure they aren't lost again, Shropshire Pine Marten Project in collaboration with Shropshire Mammal...

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Bracken rolling on Norbury Hill

Bracken rolling on Norbury Hill

On 2nd and 3rd August 2022, Barbara Hadrill and her horse Molly travelled from mid Wales and spent 2 days on Norbury hill rolling several acres of bracken. Bracken is a problem on the hill with about half our land (or 20 acres) dominated by it (some 2m tall). We never...

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Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative Agriculture

Countryside changes: Regenerative Agriculture: Part 1(c) Bel Myers  Soil:  Our Hidden Resource There’s a growing realisation that healthy soil is as vital to life as clean air, water and thriving ecosystems.  It provides us with food and helps to safeguard these other...

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Marches Meadow Group making meadows

Marches Meadow Group making meadows

St George's Meadow Takes RootMarches Meadow Group (MMG) was fortunate to obtain funding to create a new meadow through the Green Recovery Challenge Fund award to the Stepping Stones project. MMG considered various sites but when the PCC of St. George’s Church,...

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CPRE Hedgerow Heroes

CPRE Hedgerow Heroes

CPRE Shropshire's Hedgerow Heroes projectCPRE Shropshire has been running its first ever hedgerow project this season (Autumn/Winter 2021-22) in the South of the county and we've produced a sub 3 minute slideshow summarising what we have been up to for the past 9...

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Framing Nature – conservation and culture

Framing Nature – conservation and culture

Framing Nature – conservation and culture‘Framing Nature – conservation and culture’ by Laurence Rose, recommendation by Rosie Wood Covering just ten species, Laurence dedicates a chapter to nine of them. The tenth, our own, winds through and around the fates of the...

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The return of the Turtle Dove

The return of the Turtle Dove

The return of the turtle doveThe soft purring of the turtle dove was something many of us were once very used to hearing in the summer – but for most British people, no more. Their numbers fell by 77% between 1970 and 2001 (source British Trust for Ornithology). And...

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Restoring Shropshires Verges Project (RSVP)

Restoring Shropshires Verges Project (RSVP)

Restoring Shropshires Verges Project (RSVP)Over the last 60 years, 97% of our wildflower meadows have been lost, which has had a huge impact on wildlife. Road verges offer a real opportunity to help reverse this loss and if managed correctly, they could form long,...

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01743 891492 (Dr Richard Keymer)