Verges, Ditches & Hedges Conference

The Middle Marches conference on Verges, Ditches & Hedges took place in Norbury, South Shropshire on 18th November 2022.

Aims of the Conference:

The conference focussed on the subject of Shropshire’s road verges, hedges and ditches and their role and importance in our county’s landscape – and how we might manage them better.

Conference Resources

The full programme and speaker information can be found here.

For a final report on this Conference click here.

A taster video with highlights from the conference can be viewed here.

Below are links to the presentations given on the day (links open as pdfs). We would like to thank the speakers for letting us upload their presentations and allowing us to share them here.

    Other resources:

    Click on the links below for:



    Enterprise House, Station Street, Bishops Castle, SY9 5AQ

    Email us


    01743 891492 (Dr Richard Keymer)