Minsterley Meadows Appeal

Can you help us purchase Minsterley Meadows for future generations?

There is an exciting opportunity to purchase two flower-rich meadows on the outskirts of Minsterley, Shropshire to safeguard them for future generations. Amongst many other species, the meadows support the largest colony of green-winged orchids in Shropshire.


Why are Minsterley Meadows important?

Amongst many other species, the meadows support the largest colony of green-winged orchids in Shropshire. This has led to their designation as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) by the government’s nature conservation body, Natural England.

The meadows adjoin Callow Lane and are well used by local people for dog-walking, or as a pleasant walking route towards Callow Hill.

Who would own the Meadows?

The meadows would be owned by the Middle Marches Community Land Trust, a local community-led Trust dedicated to helping to create an ecologically healthy and sustainable countryside. The Marches Meadow Group would help manage and look after the meadows.

How much does the Appeal need to raise?

At this stage we are asking for pledges of support only.

The target to raise is £240k to include land purchase, legal and professional fees, back-office support including appeal costs, capital works, signage, surveys and kick start funding  for any Middle Marches Community Land Trust community group in Minsterley.

Middle Marches Community Land Trust will reclaim Gift Aid for donations where donors kindly agree  to this.

Any excess funds raised by the Appeal will be retained by Middle Marches Community Land Trust and used to support our work at Minsterley Meadows as well as our other existing or future sites in the Marches.

How do I make my pledge?

Pledge your support now by email to: info@middlemarchescommunitylandtrust.org.uk

or by post to:
Middle Marches Community Land Trust
nterprise House
Bishops Castle

How do pledges work?

If we reach the funding target and are successful in acquiring the meadows, we will then ask you to make your promised donation (with gift-aid if you are a UK taxpayer).

However, a pledge is not binding and if your circumstances change and you cannot afford to make the full (or any) donation, we will understand.

Please include your name, contact details, the amount you would like to pledge and whether you would like to be kept informed of the progress of the appeal.

Thanks for your support so far!

Minsterley Meadows appeal has had a fantastic response from the public in Minsterley, Pontesbury and wider and is supported by partners, Marches Meadow Group with support from CPRE Shropshire, Caring for Gods Acre, Restoring Shropshire’s Verges Project, Shropshire Wildlife Trust, Mary Webb Society, Minsterley Parish Council, The Hardy Orchid Society, Friends of Pontesford Hill, National Trust Stepping Stones project, Shropshire Hills National Landscape, Shropshire Botanical Society and other local groups.

Would you like to find out more?

To be kept informed of our progress join the Middle Marches Community Land Trust mailing list – see button below.


Enterprise House, Station Street, Bishops Castle, SY9 5AQ

Email us



01743 891492 (Dr Richard Keymer)