St George’s Meadow Takes Root

Marches Meadow Group (MMG) was fortunate to obtain funding to create a new meadow through the Green Recovery Challenge Fund award to the Stepping Stones project. MMG considered various sites but when the PCC of St. George’s Church, Pontesbury asked for MMG’s help in creating a meadow on the unused area of the burial ground on Bogey Lane it was the ideal site.

MMG’s funding is sufficient to cover the start-up costs, and it is hoped that managing the site as a hay-meadow will not be more costly than the current mowing regime. The 0.2 ha site had recently been prepared by mowing and harrowing and yellow rattle seed has been sown.

The plants in the meadow can now be left to grow into a hay crop. A plant survey will be undertaken in early summer, partly to assess the germination of the yellow rattle seed. In late summer the yellow rattle will mature – traditionally the rattling of the seeds in the dry seed pods indicated the hay was ready to be cut. The meadow will then be cut and, weather permitting, the hay will be made and baled.

The plan is to use green hay, or possibly seed, from a nearby species rich meadow to enhance the plant diversity. The site will continue to be managed as a hay meadow with an annual hay cut, and should provide flowers to support pollinators and other insects, and the birds that feed on them.

The PCC has had contact with Caring for God’s Acre (CfGA) and the Mary Webb School and Science College. The college has expressed interest in involving students in the management of the meadow. Local primary schools may also wish to make use of the meadow for bug hunts and other outdoor activities. The public can visit the site using the entrance on Bogey Lane, and there will be opportunities for volunteers to become involved in this exciting project.

MMG is a local group dedicated to creating new meadows and enhancing existing meadows.

Information on the group can be found at and it can be contacted by email to