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Norbury Hill (July 2021 update)

Norbury Hill (July 2021 update)

Norbury Hill (July 2021 update)Situated centrally in the Stepping Stones area in south west Shropshire, Norbury Hill has been described as ‘the largest stepping stone’ between two important sites of conservation, the Long Mynd belonging to the National Trust and the...

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Pine martens

Pine martens

Pine martens Pine martens by Stuart Edmunds Pine martens were presumed extinct in Shropshire for over a century and numerous reported sightings of these elusive mammals between 1976 and 2015 were never verified. Then, July 2015, a small population was discovered,...

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Notes from the Hill (June 2020)

Notes from the Hill (June 2020)

Notes from the HillBy Simon Cooter and the Natural England staff at Rigmoreoak (June 2020) As lockdown eases, but the thoughts of holidaying are still restricted somewhat, we are seeing a lot more visitors on the hill. The site is probably robust enough to cope with...

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Today’s walk

Today’s walk

Today's walkBy Rob Rowe (June 2020) In response to the change in weather, there have been a few amazing fungi growths. Mainly bracket fungi which grow directly out of the tree. I passed one on a side road last week growing just out of reach on an oak tree....

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Notes from the Hill (May 2020)

Notes from the Hill (May 2020)

Notes from the HillBy Simon Cooter and the Natural England staff at Rigmoreoak (May 2020) At the time of writing the government guidance is still to stay local and only to use open spaces near to your home to exercise and maintain your health. The rights of way on the...

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Buttercups, Martins and Yellow Rattle

Buttercups, Martins and Yellow Rattle

Buttercups, Martins and Yellow RattleBy Rob Rowe (May 2020) Swallows and House martins seem to have been scarcer than ever this year, so suddenly, for the first time, to be surrounded by them is a pure joy 30, 40, 50 of them swooping low above the grass and flinging...

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Spring Verges

Spring Verges

Spring vergesBy Rob Rowe (May 2020) Some of the road verges around Bishops Castle have been looking great this spring. Travelling a couple of miles away on my bike I saw this group of Dusky cranesbill straddling the border near Sned. Not really a native of the UK it...

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Notes from the Hill (April 2020)

Notes from the Hill (April 2020)

Notes from the HillBy Simon Cooter and the Natural England staff at Rigmoreoak (April 2020) Following current Covid-19 guidance, the rights of way on the Stiperstones National Nature Reserve can be used by local people for exercise, but dogs must be kept on leads at...

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