Town & Parish Council Nature Recovery Conference – 17/11/23
Middle Marches Community Land Trust (MMCLT) sponsored by Severn Trent brought together representatives from Town and Parish Councils and interested members of the public from across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin.
MMCLT were delighted that the conference attracted 89 delegates indicating the high level of interest from local Councillors and residents working to improve the quality of life and the environment across the county.
We were especially pleased to receive support from Baroness Natalie Bennett, who promised to champion Nature Recovery initiatives across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin in the House of Lords.
Conference Resources
Click on the links below for further conference information:
Below are links to the presentations given on the day (links open as pdfs):
- Ian Nellins, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, environment and transport: Nature Recovery across Shropshire (no slides)
- Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle, Vice chair, National Association of Local Councils (NALC): The role of Town and Parish Councils in Nature Recovery
- Andrew Maliphant, Environmental and Sustainabilty Advisor, Society of Locan Council Clerks (SLCC) and Advisor to NALC: Place-based initiatives
- Allan Wilson, Vice chair, Shropshire Association of Local Councils (SALC) and Climate Change portfolio holder: How Parish Councils can support local groups
- Suzanne Wykes, Specialist Practitioner Ecology at Shropshire Council: Local nature recovery strategy: how you can be involved
- Mandy Thorn, High Sheriff of Shropshire: The power of bringing together Town and Parish Councils and citizens for Nature Recovery (no slides)
- Simon Cooter, Natural England Senior Reserves Manager, Stiperstones and Downton Gorge NNRs: Species action plans for the Stepping Stones project
- Peter Carty, Bishops Castle Parish Initiative: Go Wild in Bishops Castle
- Lauren Quinn, Senior River Ranger, Severn Trent: Protecting rivers across the Severn Trent regiona and helping them to thrive
- Richard Grindle, CEO Shropshire Wildlife Trust: Nature recovery across Shropshire
Enterprise House, Station Street, Bishops Castle, SY9 5AQ
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01743 891492 (Dr Richard Keymer)