Cudwell Meadow HomeBioblitzes, open to anyone in the community, were held in 2016 and 2018, with another planned for 2020. Landowners have generously allowed open access for these. These events have been underpinned by the presence of some real experts (including ecologists and four county recorders) who generously give of their time to help identify and validate findings. They continue to reveal interesting fauna and flora, much of which is similar to that found in the Meres and Mosses area of North Shropshire.
Among the findings (available in detail on the SACWG website) are:
- 29 species of moth including one UK notable species
- 48 species of beetle and water beetle including several rare species and one UK notable species
- 12 species of butterfly
Amphibians: breeding populations of toad, smooth and palmate newt and common lizard.
Mammals: confirmation of otter, water vole, four species of bat, wood mouse, bank and field vole, brown rat, badger and fox.
Birds: Small Egret, Kingfisher, Reed Bunting, Barn owl, Swift and Snipe are among numerous birds recorded. The adjacent buildings are used for nesting by Swallow and House Martin.
Flora: 71 flowering plants of which several are important and unusual Shropshire habitat indicator species including Skullcap, creeping Forget me not and the rare Marsh Cinquefoil.