Follow Up from the Launch


After the presentations at the Launch Event, we held a workshop session to review your feedback and initial thoughts about Middle Marches, and how you’d like to be involved in its development. Some of the main themes that will inform the work of the Trust, and the services that it can offer, include:

  • Engagement with landowners; and the development of an ‘offer’ to farmers that they can relate to
  • Using the internet to map existing land use and habitat, to help identify wildlife corridors and inform future land use management plans
  • Creative ways to raise finance through sponsorship, community share issues and related trading

All your observations and ideas have provided us with a strong baseline, and an excellent resource from which to begin the work of the Trust.

What’s next?
The next meeting will be in the Upper room at the Three Tuns, Bishops Castle at 7pm on Wednesday 22nd May. We will be asking you to join one of several action-planning groups, which will translate the various ideas and suggestions from the launch into a programme of work, with targets for our first year of operation, and beyond.

We will also discuss the proposed governance of the Trust. This will include:

  • Recruitment of Board members
  • Their roles and responsibilities
  • Issuing of shares
  • Data protection

We’d love to see you there!