Quillet Walk at Chapel Lawn


What to expect

In December 2011, the Redlake Valley Community Benefit Society was formed by five founder members in order to purchase a 2 acre ‘quillet’ of sessile oak woodland in Brineddin Wood for use as community woodland. They were rapidly joined by 40 more shareholders to successfully raise the purchase price. In January of this year, a second share offer and a loan raised sufficient funds to purchase the five acre quillet to the left of the original one. There are now about 50 shareholders.

Join some of the Society’s directors and shareholders for a walk to the quillets. Meet at the Village Hall in Chapel Lawn at 2.30pm. Before the walk to the quillets and back there will be a presentation on the wood and the Society. Learn about the history of the wood, how the Society has used it as a resource for the community, and how it is trying to increase biodiversity. Finish back at the hall around 4.30 to 5.00pm for tea and cake. There is plenty of parking in the Village Hall car park – SY7 0BW

Please bring appropriate clothing and footwear as the walk involves stiles, and fields that can become very muddy after rain. There is also a steep flight of rustic steps into the wood, and a steady incline for the second leg of the walk, so a reasonable degree of fitness is required. Walking poles or sticks are advised.

Free to shareholders of Middle Marches Community Land Trust. £5 to others.

Maximum number 30, booking required by emailing Patrick Cosgrove at pccosgrove@icloud.com to include a contact telephone number.

We ask for a phone number in case we need to cancel the event at the last minute e.g. due to torrential rain. We will not use your number for any other purpose and it will not be stored following the event. 

How to find Chapel Lawn

We will meet at the Village Hall in Chapel Lawn, SY7 0BW where there is plenty of parking.

Please click on the map below for directions. 

MMCLT Shareholder Members: Free

Non-members: £5 (please pay on the door)

This money will go towards the Redlake Valley Community Benefit Society

Booking required by emailing Patrick Cosgrove at pccosgrove@icloud.com to include a contact telephone number.

We ask for a phone number in case we need to cancel the event at the last minute e.g. due to torrential rain. We will not use your number for any other purpose and it will not be stored following the event. 

Get in touch

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