Middle Marches CLT
Latest Past Events
Land Care: Doing the Groundwork
Norbury Hall Norbury Hall, NorburyThe Middle Marches Community Land Trust 2022 conference: Land Care: Doing the Groundwork Regenerative agriculture: What is it and how to do it? Come and join us to hear about regenerative farming and how we can help implement new ways of land management across Shropshire that rehabilitates the entire ecosystem and enhances natural resources, rather […]
Land Mapping at the Venue, Pollardine
An afternoon visit hosted by Lizzie Hulton-Harrop who will demonstrate how Pollardine Farm has used Land Mapping technology to improve efficiency on the farm, monitor the various farm plans and encourage partnerships with adjacent farm businesses. This session will include the chance to use the technology and discuss applications with Lizzie and fellow participants. Members: […]
Soil, Food and Wildlife with Mark Measures
A workshop with Mark Measures, Farm Adviser and Soil Specialist, and Daphne and Dave, local organic growers. Mark will open the discussion by exploring the significance of the Soil, Food and Wildlife triangle. There will then be a chance to see how soil has been improved by effective land management. We will discuss applications of […]