Dragonfly Safari at Pam’s Pools
Thursday 11th July
Dragonfly Safari
Thursday 11 July, 10-3 (fallback date if weather unsuitable is Thursday 25 July)
Join Shropshire Dragonfly Recorder Sue Rees Evans for a walk in the wilds at Pam’s Pools. The aim of the day is to identify and record as many different species of dragonfly and damselfly as we can whilst taking the opportunity to learn about their fascinating lifecycle.
The reserve is fairly large and so the full day will cover a distance of around 4km, partly over rough wet ground.
An opportunity to hear about the lifecycle of these fabulous fliers and practice your dragon/damselfly ID skills around the pools.
Bookings via: conference@middlemarchescommunitylandtrust.org.uk
Enterprise House, Station Street, Bishops Castle, SY9 5AQ
Email us
01743 891492 (Dr Richard Keymer)